Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's NaNoWriMo Time

November has officially started. That means that it is NaNoWriMo time. 

For those who don't know November is National (Na) Novel (No) Writing (Wri) Month (Mo). The challenge is pretty simple. Write 50,000 thousand words in 30 days. That comes to 1,667 words a day if you write 7 days a week.

I have always wanted to complete the challenge. Well, as long as I have known about it, I've wanted to complete the challenge. I think I heard about it the first time maybe three years ago. I intended to participate in NaNoWriMo the last two years, but I never officially signed up, so when complications arose early in those Novembers I quickly forgot about it.

This year I am determined. I signed up Saturday morning and thanks to the officialness of signing up, I have been able to squeak out the required word count every day.

Since this is the first time I am officially participating, I am being kind to myself. I am not worried so much about completing a novel but more about reestablishing my writing routine. I have several smaller projects that I am working on. Those are going to be the focus of my writing, and my word count, this November.

A routine is what I need more than anything.

I kind of collapsed after grad school ended. My family was in town and I deserved a break, so I took most of the summer off from writing. My plan was to get back into a routine when the school year started. Well, it is now November. The school year started twelve weeks ago and I still haven't figured out my writing routine yet.

There are no more excuses. I am the one who decided to be a writer. I need to start acting like one.

Wish me luck people. And check up on me. Accountability is a writer's best friend.

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